Thursday, July 30, 2009

on fire

over memorial day weekend, i took my first trip out to fire island, new york. and i truly hope it's not my last.

it's a little bit of an adventure to get there - train out to somewhere on long island, a quick bus ride from the train station to a ferry, then a ride on the ferry, and in notime, you arrive. the reason for all this traveling?? there are no cars on fire island. yeah, life might be a little easier if you could just drive there....but really, no cars grace this island haven. i don't want to say they are not allowed but rather, just the way fire island rolls. the cutest part - when you hop off the ferry, crowds of neighbors are awaiting your arrival with a smile and a red wagon to carry your stuff back to the house. too precious. oh and the other thing that got me - outside of every beach house is a rack of beach cruisers (complete with baskets) ready for you to coast all over the island.

i love what this beach town is doing. promoting a greener life and probably not even realizing it. one couple that got in on the trend - noel and ellen berk-rauch and their environmentally responsible, summer home on fire island. their getaway features durable building materials that can tolerate seaside conditions with little need for replacement over time - including cedar siding, cement roofing, and bamboo floors. not even salt air, tracked-in sand, or an occasional nor'easter can blow this house down. gotta love smart design.

wagon full and the couple head back to the house.

hoping for an invitation soon. check out more at

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