Sunday, August 02, 2009

the day called sun

what's your idea of a perfect sunday?

i'm a bit disappointed. it's raining in nyc today....again. but i can't let a few sprinkles ruin my favorite day of the week. today, i shall tackle ----

1. sleep in - CHECK
2. a big cup of java. park it on the couch - CHECK
3. catch up on you and you and you and you and you
4. review my ever-growing list of things to do and decide what to conquer today
5. wash face, wrestle my hay hair, dab on a bit (get yourself some), dress for the rain drops
6. heaven on a plate and people watching.
7. stop by greenwich letter press and pick up some sweet lil notes - check your mailboxes, friends
8. road trip to brooklyn ikea. in need of extra long shelf, cheap frames, rug pad. i'm sure some other necessities will end up in the cart
9. watch episodes i've already seen of my new vice.
10. i was planning on this for the eve. oh well - save it for another non-rainy sunday

and i call that a productive day. any exciting plans for your sunday, sis & amigos? miss you all.

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