Thursday, December 17, 2009

fan mail


sue just introduced me to your blog yesterday. i pretty much spent my night browsing your blog for hours. it is so great. i love you and your sister's ideas, writing, and humor. really i love it. great job! just wanted to let you know you have a new follower!

p.s. i'm begging joe for the mittens made for holding hands. he is trying to fight it but i'm not going to give up on this one!

thanks so much for reading, amy.  good thing you're a newbie to our lil blog, because we've been slacking lately.  by the time you get through all the old posts, we'll be ready for you with new goods.  oh and SMITTENS are now on SALE.  tell joe you'll love him even more if he caves. go girl.

and of course, we always welcome more feedback/suggestions/comments/gripes (we suppose) at

1 comment:

  1. haha, this is such a typical burnt pale pic! love it! :)
